2008 Pictures
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2008 the year of extreme weather!

December 12, 2008 - The Ice Storm - our yard, driveway, and the big tree across the road that kept us cut-off for a day.

2008-12-12 11-06-07.JPG (449857 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-07-26.JPG (399057 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-08-03.JPG (382251 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-11-57.JPG (447005 bytes)

2008-12-12 11-16-07.JPG (360923 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-18-40.JPG (394365 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-25-55.JPG (339139 bytes)

2008-12-12 11-26-49.JPG (318022 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-29-43.JPG (450093 bytes)    2008-12-12 11-56-05.JPG (351336 bytes)

July 24th 2008 - For my Birthday this year I got an F2 tornado, what did you get?

Granite Rd. in Ossipee, NH

      2008-07-26 16-57-48.JPG (399898 bytes)    2008-07-26 16-58-01.JPG (245238 bytes)    2008-07-26 16-57-56.JPG (338005 bytes)    2008-07-26 16-56-21.JPG (398274 bytes)   

2008-07-26 16-56-29.JPG (207170 bytes)    2008-07-26 16-58-37.JPG (330636 bytes)    2008-07-26 16-57-23.JPG (228411 bytes)

Route 16 in North Wakefield, NH

Effingham Rd. in Ossipee, NH

2008-07-27 14-45-42.JPG (424121 bytes) 2008-07-27 14-45-10.JPG (282364 bytes) 2008-07-27 14-44-50.JPG (298821 bytes) 2008-07-27 14-45-57.JPG (444337 bytes)

Last updated: 1/7/2008