Other Ridge Pictures
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The Barn Other Ridge Pictures Projects

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February, 2003 - MORE WINTER even more snow and even colder. 

2003_0218_133724AA.JPG (127745 bytes)    2003_0219_102252AA.JPG (162554 bytes)    2003_0219_102217AA.JPG (155839 bytes)    2003_0219_102137AA.JPG (182272 bytes)    

2003_0218_133713AA.JPG (194839 bytes)    2003_0214_091212AA.JPG (89869 bytes) (now 10 degrees below zero in the sun)

January, 2003 - WINTER First a lot of snow, then very cold.  

2003_0112_125234AA.JPG (200667 bytes)    2003_0112_125155AA.JPG (175054 bytes)    2003_0112_125212AA.JPG (155569 bytes)

2003_0118_093706AA.JPG (110772 bytes) (look closely, that is 9 degrees below zero, in the direct sun)


May 18, 2002 - SNOW!!

Snow in May.JPG (333974 bytes)


The house with the new front yard

Grass.JPG (441002 bytes)  Yard Project.JPG (354780 bytes)


Close up of the big toy

Big toy.JPG (323375 bytes)


The screen porch

(showing the value of wireless networking)

2002_0519_162008AM.JPG (561578 bytes)   2002_0624_191958AA.JPG (575717 bytes)    2002_0624_191935AA.JPG (592976 bytes)

Last updated: 1/7/2008