Newer pictures are at the top. Click on small pictures for a larger view. October 28, 2005 - Built a ladder to the cubitle. Enjoying the view. August 18, 2005 - Finally raising the cubitle July 5, 2003 - The last layer of driveway base June 29,30 - (after many rainy weekends) Finishing the granite block side walls and starting the fill May11 - The granite block side walls and the granite wall caps May 4 - Starting to build the ramp, the cinder block retaining wall Last week of November - Will finished up the last details, just in time for the big snow storms. The tractor is now in its new home. Week of November 18 - Moved the paint shop into the basement. Racing the snow to finish doors and windows and trim. Week of November 11 - Turned the garage into a paint shop and did windows and doors Week of November 4 - Putting in the perimeter drain Thursday - I rented an mini excavator and dug the trench (wind chill ~10°) Friday - laying the pipe Saturday - Claude and the roofing crew put on shingles (unfortunately I did not get pictures) Sunday - Finished the drains, used 13 cubic yards of stone Week of October 21 - Finishing most of the siding, back to the roof Week of October 14 - More siding Week of October 7 - Starting the roof sheathing and the siding October 2 - Finishing the side shed rafters, the frame is complete September 9 - The side shed frame
September 6 - THE BARN RAISING!!! Finishing assembly of the south wall: Lunch while waiting for the crane: Putting up the walls: Adding the cross pieces: Putting up the roof system: The rear ridge pole: More roof: The front ridge pole: The roof purlins: Josh climbing up to put up the traditional pine branch - new 10/7/02 COMPLETE: The crew - new 10/7/02
(left to right) Glenn Hodge, Glenn Dodge, Will Truax, Kyle Whiteheal, John N.,
August 27 - Starting to put the walls together August 24-26 - Decking complete, ready to start assembly August 20,21 - Floor joists done, starting the decking, finished ridge poles August 17 - More floor joists and some work on the ridge poles
August 3-6 - Cutting floor joists and putting the floor system on the piers
July 30 - The forms are in for the piers. Ready to pour the concrete.
July 17-18 Real on-site work begins. The trees that were cleared for the site, are milled into floor joists and siding battens.
Some of the frame pieces in the field waiting to be assembled:
Some pictures that Will sent of pieces being worked on:
Where the barn will be:
Last updated: 1/7/2008 |