The Laundry Room
Home Up The Parlor The Downstairs Bath Master Closet The Laundry Room The well


The Parlor The Downstairs Bath Master Closet The Laundry Room The well

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First step - I built a work bench in the basement, and bought a new toy, a compound miter saw

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Cutting the ceiling boards to length and painting the ends 

2003_1228_182839AA.JPG (136180 bytes)    2003_1228_182830AA.JPG (128579 bytes)    2003_1228_194236AA.JPG (118661 bytes)

Marked the ceiling joists with a chalk line and put up the boards

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The completed ceiling with the new light

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Painting the walls

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With the new cabinets in

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...and the crown molding and final touches

2004_0515_164918AA.JPG (93719 bytes)


Last updated: 1/7/2008