The Downstairs Bath
Home Up The Parlor The Downstairs Bath Master Closet The Laundry Room The well


The Parlor The Downstairs Bath Master Closet The Laundry Room The well


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The original ceiling

2004_0124_211120AA.JPG (43946 bytes)    2004_0124_211144AA.JPG (44013 bytes)    2004_0124_211138AA.JPG (43727 bytes)

New ceiling is up, painting some of the walls

2004_0207_221123AA.JPG (92107 bytes)    2004_0207_221114AA.JPG (61949 bytes)    2004_0207_221056AA.JPG (86312 bytes)    2004_0207_221108AA.JPG (60682 bytes)    2004_0207_221158AA.JPG (82201 bytes)

Putting up wallpaper (very frustrating)

2004_0209_020415AA.JPG (98258 bytes)    2004_0209_020527AA.JPG (102305 bytes)    2004_0209_020426AA.JPG (80087 bytes)    2004_0210_093148AA.JPG (57517 bytes)

Preparing and installing the crown molding

2004_0320_204648AA.JPG (99472 bytes)    2004_0403_135632AA.JPG (74625 bytes)    2004_0403_135621AA.JPG (64626 bytes)    2004_0403_171502AA.JPG (79021 bytes)


Last updated: 1/7/2008